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Thinking... If I build it, "They" will come...

by Marla Cheezem
(Sitka, Alaska, USA)

About 10 years ago I attempted to start a life coaching business, after all... I had been doing it for friends for years, and had become a Certified Hypnotherapist as well.

I got business cards, and started handing them out locally. I had no idea of what to charge for services, or how to network in a small town that I had few contacts in.

I did not offer workshops or seminars thinking that joining Toastmasters would be enough, and I did not focus on what I wanted, as working took up most of my time.

I am re-approaching coaching now with the missing links, as well as having a personal coach to help me develop my own plan that will work for me. So, here we go again, wiser and ready!

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Jan 25, 2021
My answer
by: Wendy

Marla, this is such a common story and thank you so much for sharing. I think new coaches often get caught up in wanting to coach without giving enough thought to where their clients are going to come from or how to go about building a coaching practice.

Congratulations on not giving up and just correcting and keeping going. Once you have set some firm goals and got clarity and support I'm sure your coaching career will now take off.

I too am in a "correction" mode, updating a lot of the website pages and adding lots more resources.

These are two sections you might find particularly helpful.

Have a look at these marketing ideas

And if and when you get a website, do be sure to let me have the URL (and maybe a picture) so we can add it to you comment and visitors to the site can visit you. You never know where clients may come from:)

All the best and by the way, Field of Dreams is one of my all-time favorite films.

You'll find more at Starting a Life Coaching Business

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Created and written by Wendy Buckingham, Class One Productions P/L. Sydney

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