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 Recommended Books To Develop Your Life Coaching Skills

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This page is about recommended coaching books, I have read, loved and can highly recommend to help develop and enhance your coaching skills and practice building, whatever your niche or specialty. 

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Over many years of coaching I have come across books that not only really helped in my coaching but my understanding of human behaviour.

They are full of useful information for you as a coach and many of them also include exercises and coaching processes to help move your clients forward and also build your coaching business. Browse my bookshelf and choose any that you feel would be useful for you. Use the links to preview them on Amazon.  

And I'll be adding to the list as I come across more great books to assist your coaching. 

The HeART of Laser Focussed Coaching by Marion Franklin

The HeART of Laser Focussed Coaching by Marion Franklin

I have been an admirer of Marion Franklin (MCC) for many years. She has been coaching and training and mentoring coaches towards ICF credentialing for more than 20 years. 

Her book brings together so many insightful gems. No matter where you are in your coaching journey, you will get value from her wisdom and her examples of great laser coaching, that is coaching that quickly gets to the heart of the client's  issue.

What Would a Wise Person Do? by Marion Franklin

What Would a Wise Person Do? by Marion Franklin

If you would like to read some more great case studies check out Marion's Franklin's latest book What Would a Wise Person Do?.  I got so much personally from this book and found it a practical gem for coaches and their clients, full of wisdom and stories about human behaviour and helping people get in touch with themselves, gain confidence and come to the best solutions. I particularly liked the "Invitation to Experiment" at the end of each chapter. 

It's very practical, too. The stories, case studies and wisdom are drawn from Marilyn's years of experience as a Master Certified Coach and can be read in just a few minutes and quickly implemented. 

It is now available also as an audio book - something wonderful to listen to as you walk or travel or do chores around the house. Go to the book link on Amazon again and click on audio book on the right hand side of the screen to preview and purchase.

Repurpose Your Career by Marc Miller

Repurpose Your Career by Marc Miller
This is a great book if you have a client who is approaching retirement (maybe reluctantly), or wants a career change for whatever reason. 

Marc goes through all the ways of helping someone discover what they want from their next career both in the actual work they do and the working environment they need to flourish in. 

Become a Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestly

Become a Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestley
Fully revised with over 10,000 words of extra content)
If you can, as a life coach, become an "influencer" that is someone people respect and see as an expert in your niche, then half the battle of finding clients is won.

I loved this happy, little illustrated book, full of information, examples and Daniels's own experiences. He also includes  some useful exercise to help you become that Key Person of Influence in your coaching niche. 

The CoachU Personal and Corporate Coach Training Group

The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Training Handbook can be a great investment, particularly if you are incorporating coaching into your  therapy practice or starting to dip your coaching toe into the corporate world. It goes deeply into things such as benefits, definitions, concepts and distinctions on all aspects of coaching and many core coaching skills and processes.

CoachU, where I trained over 25 years ago, was the original life coaching school founded by Thomas Leonard. The handbook should not be considered a replacement for actual coach training but as a training handbook from CoachU it has a lot to offer as a major aid to good coaching.

You might also want to check out Leonards The Portable Coach

Starting Your Own Life Coaching Business by Amy Claire

To help you get a handle on all that is involved in the business side of your coaching business, life and business coach Amy Claire's book Start Your Own Life Coaching Business could be a good investment.

Written for aspiring and newly qualified coaches Amy takes the new coach through the process as she provides a clear and concise overview of business ethics, contracts and more essentials to creating a successful coaching business.

Everyone Can Win by Helen Cornelius and Shoshana Faire

Everyone Can Win - Responding to conflict constructively; Faire and Cornelius

Everyone Can Win by Helen Cornelius and Shoshana Faire

I often used the wisdom in this book and recommended it to executive and small business clients. Shoshana and Helen identify those skills you need to develop to elegantly handle conflict and improve your negotiation skills.

They demonstrate techniques for transforming conflict into a positive outcome for all those involved. The fundamentals of resolving conflict can be adapted to any situation your client may present, even family and relationship issues. 

Self Parenting by John Pollard, the complete guide to your inner conversations.

Self Parenting by John K Pollard

I found this book really useful for information to use when a client identifies they have issues and beliefs that were created in childhood.  

It's often about helping the client feel safe to let go and stop operating from the influence of the negative belief. The gentle self-parenting techniques help the client see where those negative experiences are no longer relevant or evidence based in the adult world. 

The Little Books of Fixes for anxiety, the blues and relationships by Lorraine Corne.

3 Little "Fixes" Books by Lorraine Cornes

The Little Book of Anxiety Fixes
The Little Book of Relationship Fixes
The Little Book of Tools For The Blues

I have found these three little books by Psychologist Lorraine Corne, a great resource to give or recommend to clients who are experiencing challenges in these areas. I've also found them useful for myself.

Whilst dealing with depression and anxiety in depth is for therapists rather than coaches, these little books really hit the spot at a coaching level. 

They are beautifully written and illustrated and the “fixes” in them are practical and uplifting. If you have trouble finding them on your local Amazon you can also buy them here.

About Time; 120 tips for those with no time by Robyn Pearce 

About Time; 120 tips for those without time by Robyn Pearce

About Time; 120 tips for those with no time (Time Tips Series) by Robyn Pearce 

So many clients complain they are are too busy, or don't have time to do what they want to do (including any fieldwork you may give them😀).

The tips in Robyn's books are really great to be able to pass on to clients, where appropriate, as suggestions for how they can be more in control of their lives in the context of how they spend their time.

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

Feel the Fear (and do it anyway) by Susan Jeffers 

I read this popular book before I became a life coach and, in my opinion, it is one of the most powerful self-help books ever.

The title says it all and the book includes practical exercises and processes to use yourself and pass on to your clients for moving forward, even if they (or you!) are fearful of the challenge. 

Influence; The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini  PhD 

Influence- The new psychology of persuasion by Robert Cialdini

Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini  PhD 

This fascinating and easy to read book is about what influences us and persuades us to do what we do. Things like "social proof" and "reciprocation".

It was such an eye opener for me and really helped me define why I act and react in certain ways to situations. Lots of stories and examples make it an easy and enjoyable read. 

These are the books that have really benefited me on my coaching journey. I'd love to hear about those you have found valuable as a coach on your path. And do take a peek at my own books to help you attract and engage quality clients. 

I'd also recommend you consider my own Life Coaching Success series of eBooks, written from my own experience from 25+ years of coaching. I've passed on some valuable ideas to enhance your coaching and raise your profile in a competitive coaching marketplace.  Click on the link to preview and buy.

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Created and written by Wendy Buckingham, Class One Productions P/L. Sydney

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