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How To Find Your Life Coaching Niche

In this guide you'll learn about the main life coaching fields - personal, business, career, and corporate, and the various niches within them. You'll discover how to evaluate potential niches, and if, indeed, you need one, and build a sustainable coaching practice that aligns with your skills and interests. You can also take a quiz to help with your choice of niche. 

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What Are Life Coaching Niches?

Life coaching can covers a vast array of areas from numerous personal issues such as confidence and health, to career choices, corporate, leadership and executive coaching. Depending on your expertise and passion, you could choose any one of these areas to define your ideal client, as your coaching niche.

I agree with the school of thought that the skill of life coaching is, in the main, generic. That is, any well-trained life coach should be able to work with almost any client in almost any situation. 

One person standing out from a crowd to demonstrate the importance of a good coaching niche.

However, many coaches choose to narrow their ideal client down to a specific area of coaching where they have real interest, extra qualificiations and/or a particular background and experience.

The coaching niche you choose can be a sub-niche within any of the four main coaching fields (personal, business, career and corporate or employment coaching). You can also choose to make group, team or goals coaching your specialty within any niche.

Even before they start coach training, some coaches know who their ideal client, will be. But if that is not you if may be best in the beginning, to take on all-comers that you feel are a good fit just to get experience and a feel for what it's really like to coach. 

Then as you become more confident and identify the type of client you best like working with, your ideal client will evolve and can explore your niche options. 

You'll find it's all about the principles of life coaching applied to a particular situation or goal that the client brings to you.

For example:

  • Business coaching can spill over into personal coaching and leadership coaching.
  • Personal coaching can spill over into relationship coaching
  • Career coaching can spill over into life purpose coaching, health coaching and so on.

I have rarely had a client who came to me with one specific, narrow issue which didn't spill over into coaching about another.

So if you are at that point of "choosing your life coaching niche", my suggestion is to be wary of being too narrow in your definition. By all means “identify the need” or “identify the pain” as you will often be advised by niche experts, but realise that the separation is rarely, if ever, that simple. Don't be pressured into to choosing a niche just for the sake of it. Do your research and let it evolve.

And whilst choosing one of the most profitable coaching niches because it may make you a lot of money should not be the only reason, you want to find one that has the potential to earn you a good living. 

Four Life Coaching Niche Quiz Questions To Help You Decide

Here are four coaching niche quiz questions to ask yourself. There are no right or wrong answers. Each is designed to be a prompt that helps you define the niche that will work best for both you and delivery your ideal clients.

1.  Why am I choosing this niche? 

  • Does this coaching niche inspire you and why?
  • Do you have a passion for helping people with this specific issue?

2.  Do I have the right background or education for this niche?

When you answer this question, include such things such as:

  • a background in running a small business, managing a sales team, therapy or a particular life experience such as divorce or parenting.

Whatever your education or work-life experience, this could be a factor in choosing where to specialise.

  • If you are a therapist wanting to add coaching to your skills, is there a particular type of client that you really enjoy working with?

Ask yourself: “What experience or qualifications do I bring to the coaching experience for the client in addition to my coach training?”

I must emphasise coaching through the filter of your own life experiences are not enough on its own to make you a credible professional coach. Your experience is your experience and you can't coach effectively if that is your only claim to being a coach. Remember the client comes to you with their experience, not yours. It may help you be a mentor to clients with a similar experience, but I believe you need to be properly trained to give your clients true coaching value.  

3.  Does this coaching specialty have enough demand from clients who can pay?

You may feel your vocation is to work with a certain type of client, but are those clients  people who can afford you? For instance, having a passion for helping single mothers on welfare increase their confidence is great and noble, but can they afford the fees you need to earn to make your coaching business viable? 

Sometimes it is better to pick a related profitable client niche that may appeal to you. For example in this case, a niche of "parenting for step-parents" could be quite lucrative. Then you could offer group coaching free or at a really low fee to those single mums on welfare you'd love to help but are not likely to have the money to pay you much.

I used to goals coach a group of recovering drug addicts because although they couldn't pay, it was close to my heart and very rewarding.

4.  How crowded is this niche and how can I market a point of difference?

Here is an example: Let's assume you choose to be a career coach, and call yourself just that. If you do, you will just be one of a big crowd competing for clients.

To stand out from the crowd you could narrow down to a specific career demographic that resonates with you - for example, school leavers, people who have experienced redundancy, retirees or Mums returning to the workforce.

You will then become known as an expert in a particular branch of career coaching.

The Top Coaching Niches

Here are four basic top coaching nices that most more specific coaching niches come under. In the context of life coaching they can often overlap and within them many sub-niches or can be created. 

Personal Coaching 

6 Tulips at different stages of growth demonstrating how client confidence can grow with personal coaching.

As I’ve indicated, all niches basically use life or personal coaching skills. If your main niche is personal coaching you might choose to specialise in any of a myriad of sub-niches such as relationships,  divorce, health, communications, parenting, teenagers, health and so on. 

You can read more about what's involved in personal coaching and its niches as well as some useful case studies and a way to help clients with that ubiquitous but important weight loss goal.

Career Coaching 

Multiple open doors representing the many possible niches in career coaching.

As I've already mentioned, this is one of the biggest coaching niches and covers a wide area of career and job issues.

The sub categories here can include executive, leadership and management coaching both for small and large companies and recruitment agencies. If you have the right background you might choose to specialise with individuals looking for career help in a specific area such as health or finance.

"Moving on from redundancy" coaching is another career niche with loads of possibilities as is school leaver and student coaching.

I have more on becoming a career coach  and the various career niches. Also these  Career Coaching Case Studies will give you a good idea of how some of the sessions can go.

Small Business Coaching 

All the many facets that make up running a business including that can be developed into a niche.

Business owners often need help with things such as staff relationships, succession, delegation, even work life balance and family issues. Your job as their coach is to help them clarify their business direction and help them work through any obstacles and challenges.  Again, if you have the right background you may also help them in a mentor or consultants role with the actual running of their business. 

Personally I‘ve found that most small business owners know what needs to be done business-wise to solve their problems or grow their business. They just need help overcoming overwhelm and support sorting out their priorities so they can move forward. 

I discuss here what it takes to be a Small Business Coach and where you might specialise. I've also shared a few of my Small Business Coaching Case Studies to give you an insight into some common topics.

Corporate Or Workplace Coaching

Workplace coaching, where you might work for a salary or on contract, can be one of the most interesting and profitable niches to explore. 

To work credibly and effectively in the corporate environment, you need to understand the culture and the issues executives and managers face and preferably have either worked at executive level or be extremely familiar with it.

And, of course, like any business niche, it will usually involve some personal growth coaching.  Read how Workplace Coaching works and where to find the opportunities and niches.

This is also one area where having a recognised coaching certification and/or credential is likely to be important to give you credibility when you apply for a position.

Group Team And Goals Coaching 

Whatever your niche, you can also make a specialty of group, team and goals coaching  within that niche. For instance if your career sub-niche is school-leavers, you could form an alliance with a school to create  group from those about to finish their education to help them define their first career goal.

And if your niche is corporate coaching you can approach a company about coaching a group of employees with what they need to do to reach the company's goals.  

Here you can get some clues on forming successful alliances for one on one and group coaching to help build your coaching business. 

Group of parrots representing the opportunities of speialising  team and group coaching.

You can advertise to assemble a group who want life, career and even business coaching. I had a colleague with an accountancy background who specialised in holding coaching groups for financial planners. 

You can read more in depth tips about both Team Coaching and Group Coaching and the specific skills required for groups that meet physically and online.

Goal Achievement 

Cover of Mastering the Art of Goals Coaching

Coaching clients to achieve their goals can also be applied to any of the main niches. The client or group of clients comes to you wanting help to choose and/or set  and plan some goals or outcomes.

Or they roughly know the goal they want to achieve and need to get clarity and put a goal plan in place to make it really happen. I ran several "Goals Clinics" both in person and remotely with a wide diversity of participants. 

Either way, you will find my book Mastering the Art of Goals Coaching, a great resource. Here also are some of my own Case Studies On Goal Achievement. Each provides a great example of how the process works.

Can You Coach Without Choosing A Narrow Niche?

Of course you can! And there are some successful generalist life coaches with no specific niche. I was one of them. 

I only ever called myself a life coach but had pages on my website that explained how I would coach my clients on the many personal, career and small business issues

But generalist life coaches usually also have a specialty in the way they coach, or the type of client they favour. Having said that, it has become more important to be able to have a specific niche or niches in today's crowded life coaching market. 

Unfortunately many coach trainings press their aspiring coaches to come up with a niche during their training, often leading to obscure or unauthentic niches - just to be different. However, unless you know and are confident about your niche, it can be a mistake to struggle to define your ideal client right from the start. 

The skill-set is the same for all clients - asking the right questions, helping the client with setting, planning and achieving goals and finding the underlying issues so that solutions can be discovered.

The background, experience and understanding from which questions are asked by the coach to the client and how the answers are listened to, understood and answered, can be equally important.

For instance, a Life Coach with a therapy background may understand the personal issues, but be totally out of depth with the language, politics and needs of the corporate or business world or coaching executives. Conversely those who choose the niche of business coach because of their background, also need to have the training be able to handle the personal issues that will invariably crop up.

This is where being able to offer a combination of coaching and mentoring, even consulting can often have the edge.

I hope this has helped you get clearer about the niche and specialty possibilities there are. And do  read (below) how some coaches went about defining their niche.

More help to grow your coaching skills and promote yourself

I have written a wide range of informative books (all from my own 25+ years experience) that will help you to authentically attract new quality clients, increase your coaching skills and promote your coaching services.

eBook - Mastering the Coaching Discovery Session by Wendy Buckingham
eBook - How to use Speaking to Promote Your Coaching by Wendy Buckingham
eBook - How to (easily) Write a Book About Your Coaching Niche by Wendy Buckingham
How To Set Your Life Coaching Fees by Wendy Buckingham

Only as PDF

100% Satisfaction or Your Money Back
I am sure you will get real value from each of these books. However, if within 30 days of purchase you are not 100% completely satisfied, you will receive a full 100% refund.

Do you have a great coaching niche or speciality?

Do tell us about your niche and how you came to choose it.

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Created and written by Wendy Buckingham, Class One Productions P/L. Sydney

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