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I help coaches by building websites that attract and convert their ideal clients

by Patrick Alvarez

Hi there, well I do actually have a lot of experience in creating effective websites for coaches - I actually specialize in it!

Whether you are getting a web designer or going the DIY route, the following is a list of the top 5 things that every coaching or consulting business MUST have on their website:

1. A key message that clearly says what you do and for whom

People have very little patience online so you only have a few seconds to convince people. So with those few seconds you need to make sure you are clearly and simply stating who you serve and what outcome you help them achieve.

2. Professional photos of you

As a coach or consultant, what your clients are buying into is you. They need to know who you are in order to trust you.
Good quality photos are a must - Not just selfies taken on your phone!

3. Testimonials

Testimonials add social proof. Clients want to know that you know what you are doing and that you have proven results doing it. They reassure potential clients that you are a professional and capable, and are worth the money they are going to hand over.

4. Clearly state your offerings and the problems you help solve

What problems do you help your clients overcome? State these clearly on your website, so that your clients can quickly decide whether your services are what they need to.

5. An easy way to get in touch with you

This one might sound obvious, but it's so important! Without a way to get in touch with you, prospective clients won't be able to make this first crucial connection. So make it easy for them! Have a clear button on the menu that leads to your contact details or a way to book a call.

Whether you want an awesome website built by a pro, or just want help or a bit of advice, I'm always happy to chat to coaches in need. Just look me up on

Patrick Alvarez
Website Design for Coaches

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Mar 28, 2022
What you help them overcome vs How you help them
by: Patrick Alvarez

Thanks Wendy! In your post you mention how "it is fun and exciting to write about coaching, the techniques, approaches and modalities, what your soon-to-be clients want to know HOW your coaching will actually help THEM".

I cannot stress how true this is! It's so easy to talk about the coaching and techniques when you are creating your own website. Clients don't really care about HOW you help them(e.g. techniques, approaches, etc.), they just care about the WHAT you help them with (e.g. can you help them get unstuck, overcome obstacle, live their dream lives).
So that's what we need to be talking about on our websites.

Mar 26, 2022
Wendy's Answer
by: Wendy

Hi Patrick,
Thank you for your contribution.

Your tips really endorses much of what I say in my article about creating Life Coaching Sites that attract clients.

There is so much difference between having a coaching site that looks good and one that really does the work.


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Created and written by Wendy Buckingham, Class One Productions P/L. Sydney

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