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How To Create A Head-Turning Response With Your Elevator Speech

by Allison Babb Phillips
(Atlanta, USA)

The one thing I've always said about "elevator speeches" is that you know you have an effective one when it consistently creates a head-turning response such that anyone in the room who is an ideal prospect for you literally comes toward you without you having to do much but utter a few powerful words in 30-60 seconds.

I challenged every single one of my clients to use a completely different 60-sec intro and if it doesn't instantly create a head-turning response from ideal prospects, let me know.

They all called me back shocked at the results. 

The reason that happens is that an "elevator speech" is a marketing tool. And for any marketing tool to be outrageously effective, it must contain the components of effective marketing.

Few business owners even consider that, let alone actually implement it. Even fewer pre-think the *result* they actually want an elevator speech to accomplish.

Alison gives a Before and After of one of her clients - a life coach:

BEFORE: I help women overcome fears that keep them stuck so they can accomplish their goals in life. 

AFTER (45-60 SECONDS): My clients are women who tell me they KNOW they HAVE to make a significant shift RIGHT NOW to begin to fully enjoy their lives. BUT... they are either incredibly afraid of making that shift or they just don't know how to do it so they feel completely stuck. 

What I do is show them how to quickly transition from people-pleaser to a woman of confidence, from fear of success to becoming a model for success, from approval-addiction to unwavering self-confidence, and from fear of rejection & fear of failure to NEVER letting fear stop them again.

Using a 5-part formula, my clients experience these permanent transitions within 3 weeks or less.

If this sounds like it may be helpful to someone you may know, there's a free audio I can send you by email where I am revealing some of the strategies my clients have used with great success.

Embedded within this description are 4 components of highly effective marketing.

The first time my life coach client used this intro in a group of 20 women, they ALL came up to her, gave her their biz cards and asked her to follow up with them.

She now tells me that she can walk into any room with this description and come home with highly qualified prospects who are truly hungry for what she's offering.

Hope that helps and feel free to reach out if I can help in any way and visit my Small Business Advice site for some valuable advice and free gifts.

A really fantastic and valuable contribution Allison. Thank you. Wendy

And visit How To Network for more ways to make your networking really work.

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Created and written by Wendy Buckingham, Class One Productions P/L. Sydney

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