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6 Best Website Builders for Life Coaches

by Eli Osorio
(San Diego, CA, United States)

My name is Eli and I’m a digital marketer who has experience in SEO and helping web pages rank on Google. I’ve written an article that helps life coaches make a decision on the best website builder for their business.

This article has also been revised by someone who has experience working for marketing agencies, creating web pages and drafting marketing funnels from scratch. As someone who has done work that prioritises making a great impression, I know first-hand the importance of having a website in a marketing strategy.

Choosing the best website builder is key, not only to promote your services but to also give a great first impression that will make an impact on your prospect’s buying decision.

We go over a variety of builders including Wix, Elementor, GoDaddy, and more. We examine their benefits such as integrations with third-party systems like Google Analytics, the number of templates a user can choose from, and the pricing of the platform among other things.

We also discuss the drawbacks of the platforms including how difficult it is to navigate, the loading speeds of the platforms themselves, and whether they lack features which make design inconvenient such as non-interchangeable templates.

Since this article is specifically tailored for life coaches themselves, we also added a section where we explain the impact any of these features have on life coaches and how it would be useful for them to implement their strategy.

For example, we explain the impact of loading speeds and how a delay can cause prospects to not sign up for their services. Another example is how a platform needs to have excellent customer service since you want to have any technical issues resolved as quickly as possible.

A faulty website can cost conversions. You can find out more about it by clicking the link here:

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Dec 22, 2023
Wordpress for coaching website
by: Reza

I have been using the WordPress website builder for years. Based on my experiences during this period, I recommend using WordPress only for individuals who have knowledge in this field or have previous experience working with WordPress.

In general, using WordPress is easy, but you need a minimum of 20 hours for learning and practicing it. Creating a website is not just about generating content; you also need to address various issues such as hosting, CDN, using relevant plugins to improve site performance, and many other aspects that may require sufficient time for learning or may not be cost-effective for you.

Jul 28, 2021
Wendy's Answer
by: Wendy

Thanks Eli for taking the trouble to provide this very useful article. I'm sure it will help a lot of coaches make the right decision about their website.

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Created and written by Wendy Buckingham, Class One Productions P/L. Sydney

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